Harshad Chopda and Pranali Rathod set the screens on fire with their chemistry as Abhimanyu and Akshara in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. For about two years, Harshad and Pranali continued to dominate the hearts of the audience. Initially, when Harshad Chopda and Pranali Rathod were paired opposite each other in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, fans had talked about the age aga between them. And in a recent interview, Harshad teased Pranali over the same. For all Entertainment News and TV News updates follow BollywoodLife on WhatsApp NOW!
Harshad Chopda teases Pranali Rathod over the age gap
Harshad Chopda, Pranali Rathod, Shiv Thakare, Karanvir Bohra, Ankit Gupta and Divya Agarwal were a part of the roundtable interview for a segment show called Gamechangers which is hosted by Siddharth Kannan. There were talks about how people come up to them and tell them that they watched them in their childhood. And it has happened with Karanvir Bohra too. Harshad took the opportunity to ask Pranali to tell her when she first saw him on-screen. Pranali quickly turned shy and started laughing. The actress finally answered that she was small and in school and would come home from school to watch his show Tere Liye. Siddharth Kannan, the host directly asked her about the current age. Pranali right now is 24. And Harshad is 40. The age gap is pretty big but nevertheless, they won hearts with their stunning chemistry and did not make fans think about the gap for a minute.
Watch this video of Pranali Rathod here:
Harshad Chopda and Pranali Rathod and their popularity
Harshad Chopda is a very popular star and he has established himself for about two decades now. The actor was very young when he started in the industry. However, Pranali’s popularity increased after Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. And Harshad reveals that Pranali did not know about the popularity and her success for a long time and had to be reminded every now and then that she is the heroine of the TRP topper TV show all the time. Harshad, on the other hand, is aware of his fans and takes them as his critiques. He listens to them and decides on his characters based on what the audience wants to see and then works on it. If they don’t like it, he tries to improve.
 Harshad Chopda and Pranali Rathod attended the roundtable conference recently in which Harshad teased Pranali about her first time seeing him on-screen.Â