Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai has been ruling hearts with their storyline and plot. Fans are eagerly waiting to see Akshara and Abhimanyu’s reunion. But, the makers have high-voltage drama coming up in their upcoming episodes. Pranali Rathod and Harshad Chopda’s on-screen chemistry has left the audineece in love with them. The current storyline of the show is running behind Akshara’s pregnancy and Majiri’s evil plans. As we know, Akshara got to know that she is pregnant with Abhinav’s baby and Manjiri is forcing her to get it aborted. Akshara denies the decision and Manjiri then instigates Abhir against the unborn baby. She tells him after the baby is born he will replace him. Abhir feels insecure and curses the baby to die soon. Akshara gets scared seeing Abhir’s behavior and is in two minds about the baby. On the other hand, Abhimanyu decides to give his name to the unborn as Abhinav did for Abhir. Abhimanyu gets to know that Manjiri forced Akshara to get the baby aborted and he loses his calm at her. In the upcoming episode, Abhimanyu leaves the Birla house and is all set to marry Akshara. He informs the same to Aarohi. She talks about the good news and Mahima-Manjiri gets to know about the same. Aarohi informs them about the court marriage of Abhimanyu and Akshara. Majiri gets unhappy with the fast-track court marriage. Will Manjiri let Akshara live happily?
 In the upcoming episode of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, Abhimanyu leaves Birla house and becomes a ghar jamai. What will happen next?Â