Harshad Chopda, Pranali Rathod and Karishma Sawant starrer Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is all set to take a generation leap. Recently, the makers introduced the new cast of the show. Samridhii Shukla and Shehzada Dhami will play the lead role after Harshad and Pranali leave the show. Apart from them, the show will also star Shruti Ulfat, Sandeep Rajora, Shivam Khajuria, Preeti Amin, Preeti Puri Choudhary, Sandeep Baswana, Saloni Sandhu, Rishabh Jaiswal, Sikandar Kharbanda, Gaurav Sharma, Pratiksha Honmukhe. A promo had released earlier, where we saw Akshara introducing her and Abhinav’s daughter, Abhira who wants to be a lawyer like her. This became a big story in Entertainment news.Now, another promo of the show has released which shows the entangled lives of Abhira, Ruhi and Armaan.
Abhira and Armaan’s new life begins
In the latest promo, we see Abhira asking for a wish as she sees a meteor shower. Armaan is seen making a stylish entry in a car and he too sees the meteor shower. He wishes good for his family who has given him so much. We then see Ruhi hugging Armaan and wishing to be Mrs Ruhi Armaan Poddar. However, later we see Abhira getting married to Armaan and entering the Poddar family. Anita Raj is shown as the head of the Poddar family who hates Abhira for marrying Armaan.
Poddar family hates Abhira for marrying Armaan
She tells Abhira that she ruined Armaan’s life by marrying him and now her life will be ruined by the rules of the Poddar house. Anita Raj is seen saying that the lives of the daughters-in-law of Poddar family is only restricted to the house. Later, we see Ruhi in the Poddar house who has married Armaan’s brother. Will Abhira be able to handle the Poddar family’s old thinking?
Take a look at the promo of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai here:
A look at actors who were offered Abhimanyu’s role before Harshad Chopda
The new story of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai will begin from November 6. As per the latest track, we will see Aarohi meeting with an accident while Akshara tries to save her. However, Akshara will be blamed for Aarohi’s death in the show. The new promo of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is out now. Samridhii Shukla and Shehzada Dhami will be seen as Abhira and Armaan in the new story.