This week, Stree 2, starring Rajkummar Rao, Shraddha Kapoor, Pankaj Tripathi, Abhishek Banerjee, and Apar Shakti Khurana, made its debut in theatres. The film is the much-anticipated sequel to the 2018 blockbuster Stree, directed by Amar Kaushik. With high pre-booking numbers, excitement for the horror-comedy has been palpable. The film faced competition from Akshay Kumar’s Khel Khel Mein and John Abraham’s Vedaa, but the confidence of the makers led to an early release on the night of August 14. The critics have given tremendously positive reviews. Entertainment news has been buzzing with reactions, with many viewers taking to social media, particularly X (formerly Twitter), to share their thoughts. Reviews have been overwhelmingly positive, praising Stree 2 as a thrilling sequel that lives up to its predecessor. One fan commented, “#Stree2 is a MEGA-ENTERTAINER. Director #AmarKaushik is successful in making a film that scares you and also makes you laugh.The comedy comes out naturally and that needs to be admired because nowadays it’s rare. Don’t Miss it.Highly Recommended. #Stree2Review.” Another netizen wrote, “Just wrapped up watching #stree2 and I can safely say, there is not a single dull moment in the entire film. Superb 2nd installment! @RajkummarRao, @ShraddhaKapoor & the entire team have rocked it. The cameo by @akshaykumar was fab! Superb movie! A MUST watch! #Stree2Review.”
Check out the reactions
A perfect sequel of 1st part #Stree , entertaining, mind-blowing screen presence, outstanding performance is make movie must watch. Justice to horror comady frenchise #ShraddhaKapoor pic.twitter.com/hxTfwgDMRB Parth Pandey?? (@iparthpandey) August 15, 2024
#Stree2Review The Sequel Shined the original with comedy and Horror The Supresing Cameo even more excited of part 3 @ShraddhaKapoor She got Maximum cheered of Theatre a blockbuster open in great screen presence Mass action scenes Sequences. #ShraddhaKapoor #TamannaahBhatia pic.twitter.com/OPm8pFcJUj
suriya (@suriyapm1331) August 15, 2024
Stree2 gives thrills,laugh,surprises, good music and importantly entertainment. Occurs light comedy but fits in horror category. Graphics though not extraordinary but works well. SK influences more than RR and Akhandanand #Stree2Review #Stree2OnAug15
Ambrish (@soniambrish) August 15, 2024
Just wrapped up watching #stree2 and I can safely say, there is not a single dull moment in the entire film. Superb 2nd installment! @RajkummarRao, @ShraddhaKapoor & the entire team have rocked it. The cameo by @akshaykumar was fab! Superb movie! A MUST watch! #Stree2Review
Bobby Roy (@ExploreWithRoy) August 15, 2024
Overall the movie was fun , comic timing was perfect, and is full of surprises it’s gonna be a hit for sure in the upcoming weeks#Stree2Review #Stree pic.twitter.com/cup6YdLNju
Yush (@ArigatoOtakuHub) August 15, 2024
Rating: #Stree2 is a MEGA-ENTERTAINER. Director #AmarKaushik is successful in making a film that scares you and also makes you laugh.The comedy comes out naturally and that needs to be admired because nowadays it’s rare. Don’t Miss it.Highly Recommended. #Stree2Review
Just Filmy (@justtfilmy) August 15, 2024
Rajkummar Rao’s performance, Shraddha Kapoor’s gorgeous presence and Abhishek Banerjee’s comedic timing are also highly praised. Fans have waited six years to find out what the story is, the mystery behind Shraddha’s character and the terror of the headless monster since the trailer release.
Watch a video on Stree 2
Stree 2 ends with a cliffhanger and two post-credit scenes, generating anticipation for what’s next. During the trailer launch, the makers confirmed that they have plans to make Stree 3. Maddock Films, known for its horror-comedy lineup, also released Munjya this year and previously introduced Bhediya, starring Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon, in 2022. Both movies received immense praise. The audience can’t wait to see how these three horror universes will merge in the future with Ayushmann Khurrana’s Vampire movie, which is also being teased. Stree 2 released in theatres on the night of August 14. The Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor starrer is receiving a lot of love from the audience.Â