Priyanka Chopra had a surprise guest at her Los Angeles house and he was filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj. Priyanka Chopra shared an image with the director on her Instagram story. Priyanka’s plus one daughter Malti Marie was also a part of the frame. In the picture, the trio can be seen sitting in a golf cart. They can be seen happily posing for the camera. Priyanka Chopra and Malti can be seen twinning in orange outfits while the director sporting a grey shirt. Priyanka wrote in the caption, “VishalBhardwaj – surprise visit” and dropped a heart emoji.
Priyanka Chopra has been spending quality time with her daughter. A few days back, she treated her Instafam to a video of herself and daughter Malti Marie at an urban farm in Los Angeles that they visited with the actress’ brother-in-law Franklin Jonas. She captioned the post, “Farm life with our favorite uncle Franklin Jonas at the lovely Kfar Saba Urban Farm. So quaint and fun. Thank you miss Limore. #goat.”
Take a look at the post here:
Priyanka acted in Vishal Bhardwaj’s directorial Kaminey and 7 Khoon Maaf. They share a cordial relationship. Based on Susanna’s Seven Husbands by Ruskin Bond, Priyanka played the protagonist in 7 Khoon Maaf. She received huge praise for her performance in the movie.
Priyanka Chopra had a super busy year. She starred in Russo Brothers’ Citadel and a Hollywood project titled Love Again, a musical, in which she co-starred with Sam Heughan and Celine Dion. She will next be seen in Heads Of State, alongside John Cena and Idris Elba.
 Priyanka and Vishal Bhardwaj worked together in two films    Â