Ranveer Singh and south director Prashanth Varma reportedly had a fallout over creative differences when the actor appeared in his office for a look test of his next film Rakshas. The HaNuman director has finally reacted to the ongoing rumours of the rift between him and the Don 3 actor. In his latest, the filmmaker spoke about the rumours of the rift between him and Ranveer. Prashanth revealed Ranveer came to his office for a look test and arrived with his whole caravan. The filmmaker even added how things in the South work differently compared to Bollywood. For all the TV News and Entertainment News updates, follow BollywoodLife on WhatsApp. In his latest interview with Amar Ujala, Prashanth said,” Yes, Ranveer Singh has his own style. He came to the office with a whole caravan. But, the way of working in the South is different. Here everyone works as a team. No one ever tries to impose any kind of authority on anyone”. Reacting to the rumours of the creative differences and prolonged shoot times, he said, “The talk of me taking three-four days to shoot for half an hour is unfounded. We completed his look test efficiently. I’m not sure where these rumours originated, and I prefer not to dwell on them.” A few weeks ago it was reported that Ranveer had backed out from Rakshas over creative differences, a report in Pinkvilla claimed,” Ranveer had travelled to Hyderabad in April for a photo shoot to announce the film. While all the plans were set, the official announcement has now hit a roadblock. Ranveer Singh will no longer be a part of Prashanth Varma’s Rakshas. They have amicably parted ways due to creative differences”. Now this latest statement by the filmmaker narrates a whole story differently.
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Prashanth Varma opens up on the rumours of creative differences with Ranveer Singh; the filmmaker says in the South everyone works as a team. No one ever tries to impose any kind of authority on anyone.