Actor Hrithik Roshan is all set to come up with his upcoming movie, Fighter. The song Sher Khul Gaye song from the movie was recently released and Hrithik Roshan has once again won hearts with his dancing skills. Recently, actor Tiger Shroff took to Instagram and posted a video of himself grooving to the song ‘Sher Khul Gaye.’ He captioned it, “In the middle of a shoot waiting for our shot, I came across this new banger from #fighter and the boys decide to teach me this jam all the best to my favs @s1danand @hrithikroshan @boscomartis.”
In response to that, Hrithik Roshan took to his Instagram story to praise Tiger. Re-sharing his video, the ‘Fighter’ actor wrote, “Love it and Love you man! Everyone in the frame is simply Fab.”
Notably, Sher Khul Gaye is composed by Vishal and Shekhar and choreographed by the duo Bosco-Caesar, making it a party number. Vishal and Shekhar, Benny Dayal, and Shilpa Rao have lent their voices to the track, with lyrics penned by Kumaar.
Fighter is directed by Siddharth Anand and presented by Viacom18 Studios in association with Marflix Pictures. The movie promises adrenaline-pumping action. It stars Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, and Anil Kapoor in the lead roles.
The film is primarily shot at air bases in India with real Sukhoi’s Indian fighter planes. It will hit theatres on January 25, 2024. Hrithik Roshan and Siddharth Anand have collaborated on films like Bang Bang (2014) and the 2019 hit War.
 “Everyone in the frame is simply fab,” Hrithik Roshan wrote    Â