Amitabh Bachchan is the face of Kaun Banega Crorepati, and the Shahenshah of Bollywood’s association with the show has become more personal than professional. And ahead of Big B’s 81st birthday, he got a special surprise from the fans and the audience present in the show, and this made the megastar damn emotional, and he couldn’t stop shedding his tears. The promo for KBC 15 shows how Amitabh Bachchan got teary-eyed after seeing all the love and respect that he has been receiving from the fans. In the video, he is seen mentioning that his birthdays on the KBC sets are special, and he often gets emotional when he receives such love and asks the fans to stop making him cry so much.
Watch the video of Amitabh Bachchan getting teary-eyed after seeing fans celebrate his 81st birthday on the sets of KBC.
Big B’s birthdays are no less than a festival for his fans, and especially on this day, the fans reach out in a huge crowd to catch a glimpse of the megastar at his Juhu abode, and be happily greets them by coming out of his house. The hysteria around Amitabh Bachchan is different and he indeed is a living legend. Amitabh Bachchan always admits that he is nothing, as it’s fans that made him star. Fans shower love to Big B after watching this video and calls him the most humble and loving star of this era.
Amitabh Bachchan’s career was revived with KBC, as when the superstar was facing a downfall, it was a TV medium that brought him success, and even the megastar couldn’t have imagined that this one step of his making towards TV would make him the Shehenshah all over again.
 KBC 15: Amitabh Bachchan gets teary-eyed after seeing fans celebrate his 81st birthday on the show; he insists he doesn’t want to cry more.Â