Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan is ruling the box office. On day 35, the Atlee directorial minted Rs 1 crore (all languages) at the domestic box office, taking its total collection to Rs 627.05 crore, reported Sacnilk. Jawan’s Hindi version witnessed an “overall 11.76 per cent occupancy on October 11”, the report added. Meanwhile, Jawan’s global box office collection stands at Rs 1117.39 crore. It has become the “highest-grossing Hindi film in the history of cinema.” The super hit news was shared by SRK and Gauri Khan’s production house, Red Chillies Entertainment on Instagram. Jawan, apart from Shah Rukh Khan, featured Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi.
Sunil Grover, Ridhi Dogra, Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani, Eijaz Khan, Lehar Khan, and Girija Oak are also a part of Jawan. Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan co-star Deepika Padukone was seen in a special appearance.
Up next, Shah Rukh Khan will return to big screens in December. The superstar is gearing up for Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki. The film, which is eyeing a Christmas release, marks the first collaboration between SRK and Rajkumar Hirani. Vicky Kaushal and Taapsee Pannu are also part of the movie.
Dunki, which marks SRK’s third project this year, is slated to lock horns with Prabhas’ much-anticipated Salaar at the box office.
Dunki’s Christmas release was confirmed by Shah Rukh Khan last month. Speaking at the Jawan success press meet, the actor said, “I think, Mashallah, God’s been very kind. We had Pathaan. God’s been even kinder with Jawan. I always tell we started with Republic Day (January 26). It’s an auspicious day. On Janmashtami, we released Jawan. On Christmas, we will bring Dunki for you. I prioritise national integration. And whenever my film releases, it has to be Eid. I’m working hard. I’m working harder than what I worked for in the last 29 years. And Inshallah, I will work hard. I get happy now when people watch movies and they derive happiness out of them.”
Jawan, apart from Shah Rukh Khan, featured Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi