Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan has time and again proved why he is a real baadshah. Right from cheering for his team Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) to supporting each and every player, Shah Rukh Khan does everything that makes him the best co-owner that any team could have. TV News and Entertainment News updates are now easily available. Follow BollywoodLife on WhatsApp. Pathaan actor Shah Rukh Khan recently revealed that his children Aryan Khan and Suhana Khan love KKR’s Sunil Narine and call him ‘Superman’. In a conversation on Star Sports, Shah Rukh Khan spoke about Sunil and said that he joined them for the Champions League and they call him Superman in his house. Shah Rukh Khan said that Sunil is a a boss on the field, a player, a bowler, a batsman, a wicketkeeper, a fielder. SRK even shares a strong bond with West Indian duo Andre Russell and Sunil Narine.
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He added that Andre Russell is an integral part of KKR and for him, KKR means Andre Russell and Sunil Narine. SRK also said that at times, when the two get injured, it feels awful to wonder how will they manage without them. He even spoke about his endearing relationship with Andre Russel and said that he is gentle and sweet. On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan was seen in Jawan, Dunki and Pathaan. He will be sharing screen space with Salman Khan in Tiger vs Pathaan. KKR co-owner Shah Rukh Khan praises his players Andre Russell and Sunil Narine. Reveals why they call Sunil ‘superman’.Â