Esha Gupta‘s sister Neha turned a day older on Monday (November 25). Of course, it was Esha who had the sweetest wish in mind for her sibling. The actress shared a set of snaps on Instagram featuring Neha, and oh boy, the divas looked oh-so-gorgeous in the clicks. They twinned in ethnic ensembles, with Esha wearing a red Anarkali in the first photo and Neha looking pretty in a sky-blue one. The two served goals with their saree avatars in the next frame. The last slide is our favourite where both Esha and Neha paint a regal picture in vibrant purple silhouettes. Esha resorted to an embroidered kurta and Neha wrapped a sheer saree. Along with the post Esha wrote, “Happy birthday to my ride or die till the end. I love you.” Replying to her sister, Neha commented, “You are my world. I love you.”
ICYDK: Esha Gupta is celebrating her 38th birthday today.
Back in July, Esha Gupta became the only Bollywood celebrity to get an invite to the UEFA Euro 2024 Finals in Berlin’s Olympiastadion. The actress spoke on the matter in an interaction with Hindustan Times. She said, “It was great. I’m glad that they invited all the people who follow the sport or are amazing athletes in their own field. They called me in the capacity of a Bollywood actor but someone who knows the sport, which made it even better as I was surrounded by all the fans and the emotions were high.”
During the conversation, Esha Gupta also shared her experience of meeting football legend Sami Khedira. She said, “I met Sami Khedira, one of the legends in football, a great person. We also met Aleksander Aamodt Kilde, he’s one of the World champions in skiing, absolutely amazing he is. We all exchanged great stories and heard about each other experiences. They were really nice and humble guys.”
Esha Gupta made her Bollywood debut with the 2012 romance thriller Jannat 2, opposite Emraan Hashmi. She acted in films like Baby, Raaz 3D, Commando 2 and Paltan. Her latest appearance was in Aashram season 3.
Esha Gupta is celebrating her 38th birthday today