In unanimous bipartisan agreement, Bob Weir has been voted the most swoll man in rock and roll at the age of 77. Just look at those delts! The founding Grateful Dead member, who’s passionate about shredding his glutes just as much as his guitars, told Rolling Stone in a new interview that he’s lately been too busy to film more of his much-loved “gymming” videos. However, he has a new fitness regime if anyone is interested in trying it out for themselves. “I’ve taken up running barefoot in the morning on rocky roads. Because I think that’s a great way to get grounded,” Weir explained. “I don’t run very fast, because I want to breathe through my nose. And I try to incorporate meditation into that. And sometimes I meditate with a mantra and sometimes I just straight-up meditate while I’m running. Or trotting, I guess, really. It’s a practice that’s amounting to something for me.” Asked why he subjects his feet to the ground as opposed to, say, wearing socks, Weir insists the physical and emotional calluses are worth it. “I just followed my footsteps, really. We’ll see where it leads to,” he added. “Maybe I’ll live longer, or at least happier.”
“I’ve taken up running barefoot in the morning on rocky roads.”