Dunki stars Shah Rukh Khan, Taapsee Pannu, and Vicky Kaushal in main roles. Director Rajkumar Hirani and the cast of Dunki shared behind-the-scenes insights and their experiences shooting in an actual prison for the film will leave you shell-shocked. A snapshot was shared by SRK from a London shoot that featured Taapsee in bridal attire. SRK looked dapper in a tuxedo and the two shot a scene within a jail under the guidance of Hirani. For the latest Entertainment News join BollywoodLife on WhatsApp. Hirani revealed his aspiration to shoot in a foreign prison which was a dream that materialized during the filming of Dunki. He even mentioned the presence of real prisoners within the jail and also said that it added an unexpected intensity to the experience. SRK jokingly called the criminals dangerous and also spoke about the tense atmosphere in the actual jail. Taapsee shared her perspective and the unnerving feeling of filming with occasional onlookers shouting from the windows.
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Dunki is about illegal immigration and the film was released on December 21, 2023 in theatres. The film also features Vicky Kaushal, Boman Irani, Vikram Kocchar in main roles.
 Dunki actress Taapsee Pannu spoke her heart out about her experience of shooting with real prisoners; here’s what she said.Â