Just a day before Diwali, Shah Rukh Khan treated his fans to two new posters of his next film Dunki. On Friday, the superstar shared a couple of pictures on Instagram. The opening frame shows SRK riding a scooter with his co-stars Taapsee Pannu and Vikram Kochhar sitting behind him, while Anil Grover is riding a bicycle next to them. The cycle carries a heart-shaped placard that reads, “Happy Diwali”. The first poster was shared with the text, “Apno ke saath manaye Diwali. [Celebrate Diwali with your closed ones.]”. The next poster also features Vicky Kaushal. The slide shows SRK, Vicky, Taapsee, Vikram and Anil standing against a blackboard with IELTS (International English Language Testing System) books in their hands. The text on the second poster read, “Yeh naya saal apno ke naal. [This new year with your closed ones.]” Shah Rukh Khan wrote in the caption, “Bina aisi family ke, kaise hogi Diwali aur kaisa hoga New Year? Asli maza toh saath chalne, saath rukne, aur saath hi celebrate karne mein hai… Dunki ki poori duniya hai yeh ullu de patthe! [Without such a family, how will Diwali and New Year be? The real fun is in walking together, staying together, and celebrating together… This is the whole world of Dunki]”.
These new posters came a week after Shah Rukh Khan shared the first set of posters. On November 4, the actor dropped two posters that featured the Dunki team. In the opening frame, SRK can be seen walking on the streets in India with Vicky Kaushal, Taapsee Pannu, Anil Grover and Vikram Kochhar. In the next poster, they can be seen walking on a deserted land. In the caption, Shah Rukh Khan wrote, “Hum bilkul usi tarah dikh rahe hain jaise Raju [Rajkumar Hirani] sir ne apne “Ullu ke patthon” ko imagine kiya tha…Inke baare mein bahot kuch share karna abhi baaki hai…[We just look like the way Raju Sir had imagined. Have a lot to share about them].”
On Shah Rukh Khan’s 58th birthday, the makers unveiled the first drop from his film Dunki. The Dunki Drop 1 revealed that the film revolves around the story of Hardy (SRK) and his friends who embark on a rollercoaster of a journey to move to London. Shah Rukh Khan’s character Hardy would do anything for Manu (Taapsee Pannu), Sukhi (Vicky Kaushal) and his two other friends. SRK also shared the video on his Instagram account and wrote, “A story of simple and real people trying to fulfil their dreams and desires. Of friendship, love, and being together… Of being in a relationship called Home! A heartwarming story by a heartwarming storyteller. It’s an honour to be a part of this journey and I hope you all come along with us. The Dunki Drop1 is here…”
Dunki is directed by Rajkumar Hirani. The film marks the first collaboration between Shah Rukh Khan and Rajkumar Hirani. Dunki is slated to release on Christmas this year.
Dunki is slated to release on Christmas this year