It is a dark day for Bollywood. The industry has lost another important personality. Dhoom and Dhoom 2 director Sanjay Gandhvi has passed away. He passed away at his home in Mumbai on Sunday. Sanjay Gandhvi’s daughter, Sanjina Gandhi spoke about the same to PTI. Sanjina said that he was 56 and was about to turn 57 in a few days. Sanjay Gandhvi has directed many big films like Dhoom, Dhoom 2, Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai, Kidnap, Ajab Gazabb Love and more. BollywoodLife is now on WhatsApp. Click here to join for the latest Entertainment News. Sanjina Gandhvi told PTI that passed away at 9.30 am this morning at his residence. She mentioned that they are not sure what is the reason and if it is heart attack. She added that Sanjay wasn’t unwell, he was perfectly healthy. The director is survived by his wife, Gina and two daughters. Sanjay Gandhvi made his directorial debut with 2000 film Tere Liye and has directed many films under Yashraj films.
 Dhoom and Dhoom 2 director Sanjay Gandhvi has passed away today morning due to heart attack. His daughter, Sanjina informed the media.Â