Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have a huge fan following. The couple got married in 2018 and recently gave the best news to their fans. The couple is expecting their first child together. Yes, Deepika is pregnant and this is a big news for all her fans. Their baby is all set to arrive this September. The couple had announced the news on Instagram with a sweet post. They revealed the birth month of the baby and many celebrities congratulated the couple. Fans are super excited to see DeepVeer’s little munchkin. Ranveer and Deepika’s little angel would be so cute and even we are excited for it. BollywoodLife is on WhatsApp for all the latest TV News and Entertainment News updates.
Deepika’s adorable post
The mom-to-be is now enjoying the best phase of life. She is truly enjoying the pregnancy phase and her latest post is a proof. She shared a picture of her doing some embroidery work and fans have been loving how she is spending her pregnancy phase. Sharing the picture, Deepika wrote, “Hopefully il be able to share the completed version!”
Take a look at her post:
 Well, Deepika is truly enjoying her pregnancy phase. Ranveer Singh recently visited the Kashi Vishwanath temple with Kriti Sanon. His video has gone viral where he spoke about his wish for his baby. He was asked if he wants a baby girl or a baby boy. He gave an adorable answer to this. He said that when a person visits a temple they never ask if they want a laddoo or sheera as prasad, they just take whatever they get as prasad. In short, he meant that he will be happy with whatever God blesses them with. Isn’t that a cute answer?
Here’s a video on Deepika Padukone’s pregnancy announcement
On the work front, Deepika was recently seen in Fighter and will next be seen in Singham Again and Kalki 2898 AD with Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan, Disha Patani and others. Ranveer will also be seen in Singham Again and Don 3. Deepika Padukone is expecting her first child with Ranveer Singh. She shared a post on Instagram recently and fans are loving the way she is enjoying her pregnancy.Â