There is a lot of drama unfolding inside Salman Khan‘s Bigg Boss 17 house. Abhishek Kumar and Isha Malviya‘s relationship has been a talking point. The two celebs were reportedly dating each other. Abhishek Kumar has accepted that he still has feelings for Isha, however, the lady does not want to reciprocate to his feelings. Abhishek has been getting quite jealous with Isha being close to Munawar Faruqui. Adding to this tadka is the entry of Udaariyaan actor Samarth Jurel as a wild card contestant.
Did Isha Malviya deny being in a relationship with Samarth Jurel?
In the promo video of Bigg Boss 17, Samarth Jurel stated that he has been with Isha Malviya since one year and they are happy together. He sort of confirmed that they are in a relationship. However, a video of Isha from Bigg Boss 17 house has gone viral on social media claiming that she isn’t dating anyone. Abhishek Kumar is the one revealing that she has someone outside the house but Isha says ‘Koi nahi hai’. Then she says that had she been with anyone, she wouldn’t be hiding it. On this, Abhishek retorts saying that she kept their relationship a secret. All this discussion was happening with Ankita Lokhande. Isha Malviya then gets upset with Abhishek Kumar when he says that her partner won’t agree to her and him making Vlogs together. The video has gone viral on entertainment news.
Check out Isha Malviya’s video below:
Shocking footage of #IshaMalviya straight up denying that she doesn’t have any boyfriend or love interest outside the #BiggBoss17 house.
Even after #AbhishekKumar hints that she must be having someone outside; she gets angry and tells him “Koi nahi hain yaar Mera bahar.” Now Jen ? (@DsouzaJennifer) October 27, 2023
Now, Samarth Jurel is going to enter the house soon. We bet his entry is going to change quite a few equations inside the house. The triangle between Isha Malviya, Abhishek Kumar and Samarth Jurel would be interesting to watch. Apart from Samarth, Manasvi Mamgai is also going to enter the house as a wildcard contestant.
Check out Bigg Boss 17 video below:
All about Weekend Ka Vaar
Meanwhile, in today’s Weekend Ka Vaar with Salman Khan, we see the host slamming Vicky Jain for his behaviour with Ankita Lokhande. Abhishek Kumar also faces Salman Khan’s wrath for triggering Mannara Chopra.
Bigg Boss 17 update: An video of Isha Malviya discussing her latest relationship status has gone viral after wildcard contestant Samarth Jurel confirmed their bond.