Tiger 3 star Salman Khan has recently opened up about his bond with his friend and fellow superstar Shah Rukh Khan. The two superstars of Bollywood Salman and Shah Rukh Khan did cameos in each other’s movies and left fans excited for the films. Well, recently in an interview with ANI, Salman spoke his heart out about his off-screen and onscreen chemistry with Shah Rukh Khan. BollywoodLife is now on WhatsApp. Click here to join for the latest Entertainment News.
Salman Khan on his bond with his friend Shah Rukh Khan
Salman Khan said that his off-screen chemistry ith Shah Rukh Khan is better than their on-screen chemistry. He told all his fans that when the on-screen chemistry is so good, then one should understand their off-screen chemistry.
Watch Salman Khan’s video
#WATCH | After the success of his film #Tiger3, actor Salman Khan appeals to his fans to not burst crackers in theatres.
He says, “Don’t do that. This is very dangerous, it is not cool at all. If these fans think that they earn my respect by doing this, then that is not the pic.twitter.com/n5h1FSO7Ps ANI (@ANI) November 26, 2023
Salman has always said that he considers Shah Rukh Khan as his brother and told his fans that nothing should happen to him. He even said that he does not see social media that much as he does not understand the negativity and trolling. He also said that social media does not bother him and Shah Rukh Khan. For the uninitiated, Salman did a cameo in Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan wherein he was seen fighting with goons. Later, SRK returned the favour in Salman’s film Tiger 3. The two are all set to share the screen once again in the upcoming YRF Spy Universe film, Tiger Vs Pathaan. Currently, Salman Khan is basking in the success of his recently released film Tiger 3. He also has Dabangg 4 and Kick 2 in his kitty.
 Tiger 3 star Salman Khan spoke his heart out about his bond with Shah Rukh Khan both on and off-screen. Here’s what he said.Â