Kareena Kapoor Khan often faces social media radar for her kid Taimur being a brat as per trollers. The little boy often expresses his displeasure over being clicked by the paparazzi, and sometimes he angrily reacts. And now the latest video of Bebo with family is going viral, where her little son Jeh tells the paparazzi, ‘Go’ as they try to click the entire Khan family together. Jeh is the cutest star kid, and his mommy, Bebo, being the favourite of paparazzi, gets captured 24 hours a day, and sometimes it can be over the top. BollywoodLife is now on WhatsApp. Click here to join for the latest Entertainment News.
Watch the video of Kareena Kapoor Khan’s son Jeh asking the paparazzi to go as they try to capture him with their cameras.
Kareena is very much aware of the paparazzi culture, and unlike other Bollywood celebrities, she never hid her kids faces from the media. And this is something that even the media respects, and hence they tend to not cross their line. Kareena Kapoor Khan, in one of her interviews, spoke about why she didn’t follow the trend of hiding her kids faces from the media. “He is going to figure it out if he ever googles himself. He is honestly very unaffected. He knows my parents are famous and that’s why they are clicking him but still sometimes he is like, ‘Why are they clicking me?’ That is why I am like (to paparazzi) ‘ok lena hai toh lo. But let him be na.’ Now, let him grow up how he wants to and he has understood. He is a smart boy,” Jeh asking the paparazzi to go is getting mixed responses from netizens, and there are some who understand the kid and others who compare him with his elder Tim. One user said,”jaisa naam waisa kaam sab akramako ke naam rakhe hai Taimur & Jehagir”. Another user commented, “See Ritesh sir and jenelia ma’am Children’s how they treat other”. One more user said. “Kareena should teach their children how to behave with elders rather then showing attitude and posing with pout.may be she should learn from her sister in law. In the video you can see Saif greeting the papz with folded hands. On the professional front, Kareena Kapoor Khan will be seen in Singham Again, directed by Rohit Shetty.
Kareena Kapoor Khan’s younger son Jeh looks unhappy being clicked by the paparazzi, asks them to continuously go. Bebo holds his hand and takes him home.