Diwali is a festival of lights and colours. And like everyone else, even the Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor Khan is celebrating Diwali 2023 with her family. But her situation is totally relatable. Bebo took to her Instagram and posted pictures with her kids, Taimur Ali Khan and Jeh Ali Khan. And in the picture, you can see that the situation of the Jaane Jaan actress is totally relatable for those who have kids in their house. You can see Jeh Baba messing up all the rangoli decoration and playing Holi rather than Diwali, and it’s every household situation that has kids. Take a look at how fans are lauding Kareena Kapoor Khan for sharing a realistic post to wish Happy Diwali 2023.
Kareena Kapoor Khan is in a festive mood, and this year it looks like the diva has decided to celebrate it with her family and kids. And hence, she is avoiding going to the Diwali bashes hosted by industry people. The actress gave it a miss at her buddy Manish Malhotra’s Diwali bash this year. And she wasn’t seen attending Sara Ali Khan‘s Diwali party. Last year too, Kareena Kapoor Khan dropped a realistic picture wish Diwali, where Jeh Baba turned a photo spoiler and wa din no mood to click pictures in the family frame while she and husband Siag happily posted with elder son Taimur. Indeed, Bebo is a queen, and she proves it time and again. Â Â Â
 Diwali 2023: Kareena Kapoor Khan’s son Jeh spoils all the Rangoli decorations. Saif Ali Khan is clueless on what he should do; while Bebo and Tim looked at the spoilt rangoli, this is how the actress Happy Diwali looks this year.Â