Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli are expecting their second baby. Fans are claiming that after spotting the actress’s baby bump in her latest appearance at the airport, they are sure that she is 100 percent pregnant. The second pregnancy news about Anushka Sharma made headlines a month ago, and ever since then, the speculations have been endless. While Anushka and Virat continue to not make an official statement about the speculation, Virat and Anushka are an extremely private couple, and the curiosity around their personal lives is always up on the scale. Anushka was lately seen at the Bangalore airport, and her pregnancy walk is adding fuel to the fire. And there are a lot of questions about why the couple isn’t making an official announcement if they are expecting their second child’s
Watch the video of Anushka Sharma walking with husband Virat Kohli that sparks her pregnancy rumours all over again.
BollywoodLife is now on WhatsApp. Click here to join for the latest Entertainment News. There are a lot of speculations around Anushka and Virat’s pregnancy. And now that the fans are aware of it and there is already a lot of hullabaloo around it, both Anushka Sharma and Virat have decided not to make an official announcement. But the couple may announce the arrival of the baby and have the same request of keeping their newborn away from the media glare, just like they did during Vamika’s arrival.
Anushka and Virat had made their first pregnancy announcement after the completion of their second trimester. And it was during the lockdown, and hence the pregnant news didn’t come through Paparazzi, like her second pregnancy news was claimed by them.
Anushka Sharma might quit acting after the arrival of a second baby.
In one of her old interviews with Simi Garewal, Anushka Sharma confessed that she would be okay to quit acting and bit work after having kids. Ever since Vamika Kohli’s birth, Anushka hasn’t made her Bollywood comeback; her last release, Chakda Xpress, is yet to be released. And fans are waiting for her to make a comeback.
 After the viral video of Anushka Sharma’s baby bump being spotted, fans are wondering why the couple isn’t making an official announcement. Is this the reason why Virat and Anushka are not making the second pregnancy news public?Â