Kartik Aaryan scooped some time out of his busy schedule and stepped out for dinner with friends in Mumbai. The actor was clicked with actress Tara Sutaria outside a Mumbai eatery on Saturday night. The duo were pictured making an exit together. Khushi Kapoor also joined them. Raveena Tandon’s daughter Rasha Thadani and Sachin Tendulkar’s daughter Sara were also pictured at the dinner. We also got a glimpse of Orhan Awatramani at the Mumbai eatery. Khushi Kapoor, daughter of the late Sridevi and film producer Boney Kapoor, will soon make her Bollywood debit with Zoya Akhtar’s rendition of Archies. The film will also feature Agastya Nanda and Suhana Khan in their Bollywood debuts.
See photos from last night’s dinner here:
Kartik Aaryan was last seen in Satyaprem Ki Katha, co-starring Kiara Advani. Earlier this year, he made a cameo appearance in Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar. Last year ,the actor featured in Shehzada, co-starring Kriti Sanon. He also starred in the horror comedy Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 co-starring Kiara Advani and Tabu and the thriller Freddy with Alaya F. He will next be seen in Kabir Khan’s Chandu Champion.
Tara Sutaria, a singer and former Disney star, made her Bollywood debut with the 2019 romantic drama Student Of The Year 2, co-starring Tiger Shroff and Ananya Panday. She also featured in Marjaavaan and Masakali 2.0 (both co-starring Sidharth Malhotra). She was also a part of Milan Luthria’s romantic action film Tadap, which marked the acting debut of Sunil Shetty’s son Ahaan. She also starred in Heropanti 2, co-starring Tiger Shroff.
 Kartik Aaryan and Tara Sutaria were pictured together    Â