Salman Khan never spoke about the firing incident that took outside his home that happened on April 14, 2024. The superstar has reportedly in his statement to police called it a significant threat to his family and revealed the details about the firing incident. In the latest statement to police Salman Khan reportedly revealed that he was sleeping when the firing happened and woke up to the noise. The ANI reports the statement of Salman Khan shared by police reads,” The recent incident of firing by two unidentified persons in a motorcycle at Galaxy apartment, the residence of the Salim Khan family, is very disturbing and unnerving. Our family has been taken aback by this shocking incident”. The statement further adds,” Unfortunately, some people claiming to be close to our family and pretending to be the spokesperson have been making loose statements to the media saying it’s all a publicity stunt and the family remains unaffected, which is not true, and these views should not be taken seriously”. After few days of the firing incident Arbaaz Khan issued a statement and called the entire incident disturbing, “The recent incident of firing by two unidentified person in a motorcycle at Galaxy apartment the residence of the Salim Khan family is very disturbing and unnerving. Our family has been taken aback by this shocking incident that took place. Unfortunately, some people claiming to be close to our family and pretending to be the spokesperson have been making loose statements to the media saying it’s all a publicity stunt and the family remains unaffected which is not true and these views should not be taken seriously”. It is claimed that Salman Khan was probed for six hours by the police regarding the firing incident along with his brother Arbaaz Khan. The firing that occurred at Salman Khan’s house was done by Gangster Lawrence Bishnoi who had threatened to kill Salman over the blackbuck case.
Salman Khan talks about the firing incident at his home; calls it a significant threat to his family.