December 2023 is one packed month for all film buffs all over India. We have Animal, Sam Bahadur, Merry Christmas, Salaar and Dunki along with movies from Tamil and Telugu industries. Many trade experts feel that people would have been benefitted if some of these movies had come earlier or later. The bad date planning of 2023 is being discussed a lot in the industry. Vicky Kaushal who is playing Sam Maneckshaw in the field, Sam Bahadur has spoken about clashing with Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal. The Sandeep Reddy Vanga gangster drama is a movie loaded with action. It is on the lines of the Hollywood hit, The Godfather.
Vicky Kaushal on Animal Vs Sam Bahadur
Vicky Kaushal said that people should not make a hue and cry about clashes, and how it affects business. He said that on every Friday, a film is handed over to its audience. It depends on them. It seems Ronnie Screwvala is also of the opinion that multiple films can come on the same day. He feels such practices will benefit the industry in the long run. He was quoted as saying in the press conference of Sam Bahadur, “We have those many weeks in a year, but as an industry, we cannot limit ourselves to making those many films in a year. We will have to make multiple films and we will have multiple releases on the same day.”
India has the benefit of a large market
Vicky Kaushal said that India has a huge audience, and there are many screens and exhibitors as well. He said there has to be a set up conducive to multiple films. He said that audiences will undoubtedly watch two films in a week if both of them are good. He was quoted as saying, “So, I am as excited for Animal as anybody else. As long as it is great for the audience. We work for them.” Animal is the story of a son, Ranbir Kapoor who likes to stay away from his father’s business. But his demise makes him bloodthirsty for revenge. Sam Bahadur is a biopic on the life of Sam Manekshaw, who was the Chief of the Army Staff during the Indo-Pak war of 1971. He was the first field marshal of India. Vijay Diwas is held in honour of Sam Manekshaw. Â
 Animal Vs Sam Bahadur: Vicky Kaushal has spoken candidly about the clash of Animal and Sam Bahadur. He feels that both films have the potential to do well and succeedÂ