On the auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, Bollywood celebs have been adding star values to Mumbai’s decades old Lalbaugcha Raja. After Kartik Aaryan, Varun Dhawan and Vicky Kaushal, the man of the moment Jawan aka Shah Rukh Khan paid a visit to Lalbaugcha Raja on Thursday evening. He was accompanied by son AbRam and manager Pooja Dadlani and her daughter. AbRam looked bright as he chose a red kurta for the festive occasion while Shah Rukh Khan wore a white shirt. At the premise, Shah Rukh Khan can be seen interacting with puja committe members in the video. Shah Rukh Khan, AbRam and Pooja with her kid also posed for the shutterbugs. While making his way to the car, Shah Rukh Khan was surrounded by a sea of fans. Protecting AbRam, Shah Rukh Khan can be seen moving towards his car in the video. Before leaving the premise he waved to fans from his car.
Take a look at the pictures here:
Shah Rukh Khan wished fans happy Ganesh Chaturthi on his Instagram feed on Tuesday. Sharing a image of the idol, Shah Rukh Khan wrote, “Welcome home Ganpati BappaJi. Wishing you and your family a wonderful day honoring Lord Ganesha. May Lord Ganesha bless all of us with happiness, wisdom, good health and lots of Modak to eat!!” Take a look at the post here:
Shah Rukh Khan made a stunning appearance at the Ambani’s celebrations held on Tuesday in Mumbai. SRK made a grand entry with mother-in-law Savita Chhibber, wife Gauri Khan and children – Suhana Khan and AbRam. In the video, Shah Rukh Khan, dressed in a wine-coloured kurta and Pathani salwar, is seen posing for the camera with Gauri, Suhana, AbRam and Savita Chhibber. While Gauri and Suhana opted for ivory-coloured ensembles, Gauri’s mother wore a white suit. Little AbRam’s sky-blue kurta set looked perfect. FYI: Shah Rukh Khan’s elder son Aryan Khan was MIA from the gathering.
Take a look at the video here:
Professionally, Shah Rukh Khan is having a bumper year. After a break of three years he is back with a bang. After Pathaan, his latest offering Jawan is storming the box office with each passing day.
 Shah Rukh Khan also waved to fans before leaving the premise    Â