The makers of Yodha just dropped a new poster from the film and it features the film’s lead actor Sidharth Malhotra in a uniform. The text on the poster reads, “Brace for impact.” He accompanied the poster with a caption that read, “Keeping your excitement sky-high! A journey like never before.” The actor also revealed that the teaser of the film will be out on February 19. He added, “#YodhaTeaser out on Feb 19. Stay tuned! #Yodha in cinemas March 15.” Sidharth’s Indian Police Force co-star Mayyank Taandon wrote, “Amazing.” Manish Malhotra dropped fire emojis in the comments section.
Check out Sidharth Malhotra’s post here:
Earlier on Thursday, Sidharth Malhotra shared a video and he captioned it, “Airdropping thrills straight to your screens! Super stoked to be taking off on this journey with you all. Stay tuned because #YodhaTeaser out on Feb 19. Yodha in cinemas March 15.”
Speaking about Yodha earlier, Sidharth Malhotra, in an interaction with news agency ANI, said, “As an artist, you would want to work on scripts that bring out the best in you. This truly unveiled a newer version of me, which I am very thankful for. The amount of love I have received from audiences and fans is magical. I can’t wait to showcase what Yodha has for them.”
Yodha was earlier meant to clash with Sriram Raghavan’s Merry Christmas. However, the thriller hit the screens last month. Directed by Sagar Ambre and Pushkar Ojha, Yodha is all set to hit the theatres on March 15. The film also stars Disha Patani and it has been backed by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions.
On the work front, Sidharth Malhotra was last seen in the web series Indian Police Force, also starring Vivek Oberoi and Shilpa Shetty. The series released on Prime Video last month.
 “A journey like never before,” wrote Sidharth Malhotra    Â